Roman Atwood, Dennis Roady and Vitaly Zorovetskiy all have one thing in common - they love to make practical jokes. Which is the reason why they are popular YouTube stars right now.
It all started when Roady saw MTV's "Jackass." He always wanted to do something like that. "I just remember saying, 'I'm going to do this one day. I know I can do something just like this in that same arena,'" Roady said.
The three men loved to push the limits. So much so that they each have multiple YouTube channels with over 29 million YouTube subscribers. Atwood even landed a spot in Forbe's top earning YouTubers in 2015, as reported by ABC.
Have they ever crossed the line? One time, Atwood pretended to blow up his own kid on an ATV. But out of the three, it's Zorovetskiy that loves to step over the line. He was famous for streaking during the 2014 World Cup final. Zorovetskiy told ABC, "The best adrenaline I've ever had. I had tingles, all the flashing lights...I went to jail for an hour in Brazil, paid $100 bail and that was that."
The three put their passion to hard work. Now, they have their first successful film - "Natural Born Pranksters." It has aired in theaters on Apr. 1, 2016 and has been a hit so far. " It's a show that features pranks. From small performances such as chasing people with a fake, rubber snake to major outrageous pranks like chasing people with a chainsaw.
Atwood describes the film making process as "brutal." They had to go through the legal process - where lawyers indicate if a certain prank is a go or no-go. Their pranks were so outrageous that involved the police and face punches. "It's intense. That's the first time I ever had police grab their guns," Zorovetskiy added.
So is there one thing that Zorovetskiy wouldn't do? There is one prank he will never pull. "I was going to jump to the White House wall but I couldn't do it." His reason was only because he would get deported. However, he ended the ABC interview with... "But when I get my citizenship... White House," he said.