How To Cope When Your New Job Is A Huge Disappointment

When you start a new job, you are prepared to be nervous and have some serious performance anxiety. But are you prepared for the job to be disappointing? Monster suggests you prepare for this scenario by planning a few simple steps to help you cope if that ever happens.

If the job you accepted is nothing like what you thought you would be doing, or your boss is just plain nasty or asking you to unreasonable hours, it can be a huge shock. But you've accepted the contract. For whatever reason, you didn't see it coming.

The only thing to do now is cope, and cope you will. Remind yourself there are worse things in the world than having a job (albeit a disappointing one) that pays the bills.

Use these steps to cope through the rough times soon after you realize you signed up for what is not exactly the dream job.

1.Do not panic

Panicking has never helped anyone improve their situation. The only thing is does is make it all worse.

So resist the urge to call up everyone you know and sob on the bathroom floor, or worse, to dramatically resign. Pick yourself up. Keep your chin high. You weren't expecting it, but it has happened now. The sooner you star dealing with it, the sooner things will get better for you.

2. Try to talk - to the right people

Finding talent is a difficult thing to do, and if you're worth anything, your company won't want to let you go. Try having this conversation with the manager. Tell them things aren't going as you expected, and ask if there is anything you can do to change your responsibilities so they include more of what you were expecting.

If the boss doesn't understand or he/she can't help you, try going to an HR professional. They are there to help and their job is to help out employees with their needs.
