Annoying Things Job Candidates Do That Make Hiring Managers Dislike Them

There are endless factors that can please the hiring managers. Unfortunately, there is just as much factors in the world that can tick them off at some point. Here are some of the most annoying things that you could ever do, or manifest, during a job interview according to the Business Insider:

1. Guilt tripping the employer until they give in and hire you

"Telling me about how badly you need this job because of all the problems you have will get your application thrown in the trash," Reddit user @pinkiepieisbestpony said.

2. Lack of experience and late graduation

"As someone who started working at age 16, I'll admit I think less of someone in their late 20s who has never held any kind of job, however small," Reddit user @creaoiumm shared.

3. Seeking help from your parents to inquire about jobs on your behalf

While that certain action may come from a good place, it gives room for doubts. How can you be taken seriously during job interviews if you have to depend on your folks for simple tasks?

4. Spelling mistakes on your resume

"We obviously all make mistakes, but if you can't take the time to proofread something so important then I don't need you," Reddit user @Gibberish_talk said.

5. Lying

This doesn't actually need that much explanation. Although you don't have to be 100% honest all the time because of certain circumstances, giving truthful answers and insights is still a better way to ace a job.

6. Posting inappropriately on social media

You will likely to get passed over if the company finds one of your accounts and if ever you have posted something "idiotic". Best way to avoid this? Make your social media accounts private - or just stop posting nonsensical things in general.

7. Showing up late

Never has this behaviour ever been reconsidered unless it is a matter of life and death or anything that's just as important. Showing up late is equivalent to incompetence.

8. Inappropriate clothing

If you can't dress appropriately for a single job interview then it could mean that you can't dress up for work either.

Career, Career Advice, Job