Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs Also Got A Pink Slip?

Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs may have passed on but his legacy remains. However, it stands out that Steve Jobs did not experience all the good things in his career because the man that made Apple great and unparalleled has also been noted to receive a pink slip.

Surprising as it may seem, Jobs was fired was fired from Apple, the company he co-founded and his second act turned out to be bigger and better than the first, according to a former report from the Business Insider.

He was in his 30's when the company got rid of him. Issuing him a pink slip, Jobs left Apple and went on his way. However, it did not hinder him from pushing on what he believes in. For Jobs, the termination was a big blow for him. He even said, "I was out and very publicly out. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating."

In the summer of 1985, Job struggled with the idea of how to make his life fruitful again. He even contemplated on being an astronaut or entering politics. However, his main passion and drive was into technology and innovation and thus he Jobs co-founded computer company NeXT.

Based on the same report, Apple acquired NeXT and then launched Pixar Animation Studios, and upon his return to Apple after almost 10 years of being out, he brought the innovation of the iPod, iPhone, and iPad into the company which propelled the company to innovation, technological success and supremacy.

It goes without saying that Apple still retained Jobs legacy. In a past report of Jobs & Hire, Apple has launched the platform that would go head to head with Paypal and it resonates the legacy that Steve Jobs want to impart, which is dominance in all technological advancements and innovations.

Losing a job and being fired is not the end of everything, because even the man that transformed the tech industry experienced it as well. Although Steve Jobs got a pink slip and was fired from the very company that he co-created, he rebounded back and gained more than what he lost, and that is something that all job seekers and workers should aspire for.

Apple, IPhone, Steve Jobs