Career Advice: 'I'm Really Struggling With Work Stress Since Being Promoted'

Unfortunately, a lot of employers have confirmed the stressful effects of being promoted. What you once thought was a job that would ease out your work load can somehow be the one to increase your level of exhaustion. As unpleasant as it sounds, we all know it's inevitable. In order for you to manage your stress, here are ways on how to do it according to The Telegraph.

1. Make sure to establish new boundaries

Your new, and busier, work load has indeed crept into your home and personal life which is undeniably affecting your ability to lay back and relax or even sleep well at night. If you can, manage your daily routine by going home at a sensible time and also put away your phone or computer once you've already done your work. Give your eyes and body the rest that they deserve.

2. Take a moment

Moments where pressure gets the best of you are inevitable, so make sure you take some time to refocus your thoughts to gain perspective and clarity. Letting go of negative thoughts and being mindful of the present situation can help a lot.

3.Give yourself a well-deserved "downtime"

If you're able to leave work early, don't forget to put your longer nights to good use. You can exercise, unwind with friends or play with your kids if you already have them. Even if this one doesn't work for some people, relaxing on a couch while watching your favourite TV show can actually help take your mind off work-related things.

4. Put some trust in yourself

Remind yourself why you were promoted and why in the moment you felt that it was the best thing for you. Trust in your own ability to make good decisions.

5. Talk to your manager or someone you feel that you can confide in

Don't be ashamed to ask for feedback with how you're doing at work - positive ones will surely help brighten your day. Talk to them about your concerns and seek help from them regarding managing your stress.

Career, Advice