Career Advice: Seven Bad Speaking Habits That Turn People Off Immediately

If you think you have the best ideas in the world, all of them become almost instantly useless if no one really wants to listen to you. Take a look at the seven deadly sins when it comes to speaking, according to the Business Insider:


It's true what they say, that gossiping can actually come back and hurt you. What you say about other people tells more of you than them. Don Miguel Ruiz once said, "Be impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your words in the direction of truth and love."

2. Judging

Emma Watson one shared how it is stressful for her to know that every time she walks out the door, someone is going to be giving her a very good look up and down while judging. Judging others will give them reasons not to trust you and will be inept when it comes to opening up to you.

3. Negativity

"To all the other dreamers out there, don't ever stop or let the world's negativity disenchant you or your spirit. If you surround yourself with love and the right people, anything is possible," Adam Green said.

4. Complaining

Even Stephen Hawking himself said that if you're always angry or complaining, people won't have time for you. Complaining not only ruins your day, but everybody else's too.

5. Making excuses

If your goal in life is to become an effective boss or employee, you need to know that leadership is about taking responsibility and not just making excuses all the time.

6. Exaggerating

Who wants to listen to someone who's lying? Exaggerating demeans our language.

7. Being dogmatic

It really is crucial when opinions and facts become mixed up. Before bombarding someone with statements, make sure they are of basis.

Career, Advice