PayPal Or Visa?

Many have used the different platforms to pay their expenditures such as PayPal or Visa. In line with that, a notion has risen regarding which platform to opt for. It could either be PayPal or some would chose to opt paying with Visa.

In terms of legacy and historical dominance, Visa was once the main platform that everyone used. However, with the recent technological advancements, PayPal is challenging it.

According to a post from Fool, "Visa has more than half a century of history that dates back to the introduction of the Bankamericard in the 1960s, and it has billions of rectangular plastic cards in the wallets of consumers around the world while PayPal Holdings on the other hand, has focused its attention on a post-plastic world, and it's working toward greater integration of mobile payments into its framework."

With that in mind, an influx of investors usually weighs the times and the current trends to decide on which platform to pool their resources in. It stands to reason that Visa's dominance in the business world is hanging by the thread.

Investors who are interested in the space typically want to know which stock looks like a better bet, and many investors are looking at Visa and PayPal on a number of metrics to see which company's shares are more attractive and which company to ignore, according to the same post.

It is an undeniable fact that PayPal aims on broadening its horizons and stabilizing its platforms so that more investors would be thrilled to join and be on board. It has even taken the challenge of going against other companies to prove its dominance. In a post from Jobs & Hire, it was reported that Paypal and Apple Pay were in a battle of tug and war to gain dominance on mobile payments and other online payment services.

Despite the rising competition against Visa, Apple Pay and other firms, PayPal remain resilient and able to respond to the hurdles of the industry.

Apple Pay