Your Teenager Emerging Adulthood: Sprinters Who Are Ready, Willing And Able

They call themselves home bodies. Previously, JobsNHire talked about how Americans aged 19 to 24 are still living with their parents. After graduating college or highschool, the teenager will be filled with a sense of challenge. They think of doing something that will make a difference in the world. All this time the parents just want them to get a real job and earn a pay cheque. According to NYTimes, this is not a strange thing.

Most likely, according to psychology professor, Jeffrey Jenson Arnett, your teenager or young adult is entering "emerging adulthood" - a time where many different directions remain possible.

One such direction can come from Sprinters. Sprinters start fast right out of the gate. After college, they pick a major, stick with it, and through the course of their education, attain internships and profiles that will load up on their resumes. Sprinters may already have a job lined up pre-graduation and are already thinking of going up the career ladder. They also have little or no student loan debt which frees them from any responsibilities based on income.

But sprinters aren't only fast. This group does not rely on speed alone. According to Lily Cua, some are slow but methodical. Cua is a classic Sprinter. She graduated with high honors, stacked impressive internship scores and scored a job before graduation. But she says, "It wasn't my dream to work there."

She wanted to work with really smart people which is why 1776 is the perfect place for her. The place is filled with Sprinters that works on 200 start-ups. After working for two years at a Fortune 500 company, she left to start a business. Sprinters think about the risks they are taking. For Cua it was the best time to make that change as she doesn't have mortgage and isn't married. She's not afraid to change jobs.

In the end, fewer emerging adults willing to take a chance on their business idea makes it harder for everyone else to get a job.

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