Players React to Supercell’s Updates to Clash Of Clans and Boom Beach

Two of the most played games by many have recently released its own updates. However, while the Boom Beach update was received with great positive vibes, a lot of players were not too pleased by Clash of Clans' yet another tweak.

It was only recently when Supercell released a tweak to Clash of Clans as part of their attempt in fixing the issues voiced out by the Clash of Clans community in its March update.

The Clash of Clans update included the addition of a Dark Elixir troop - Bowler. The update also featured new levels for Mortars, Inferno Towers, Valkyries, Hog Riders, and Goblins. Unfortunately, the players were not pleased with the new war matching systems. According to iDigitalTimes, "this latest tweak to Clash of Clans changed the graphics of the matchmaking system and some of the air defense building units." Several COC forums revealed that the new war matching systems focused too much on streaks and that it did not solve the issues found in the previous system, "adding new elements to the war matching system is just adding fuel to the fire."

On the other hand, the Boom Beach update included Headquarters level 22 alongside a new level for the Armory that brought upgrades for Troops and Gunboats. Note, however, that the construction of the headquarters will reuire patience and a lot of time as it will talk almost 5 million pieces of stone, iron and wood. Another development is the Statue Storage for unplaced statues, implementation of player ranks with daily rewards, and Supply Chests. This chest contains rewards that are based on the gamer's rank.

Day Herald also reports that with this upgrade is the removal of the note errors for Operation as well as the fixing of the error where the headquarter would be destroyed when the Scorcher exploded.

Clash of Clans