Pioneering A Career Could Earn You Millions

Pioneering a career is very similar to what the original pioneers in North America had done. If you want to get rich, you need to examine and follow what they did.

Consider this fact: an acre of land at the time of the pioneers in North America is just about $2.00.

Current land values in the United States as of 2015 are immensely greater than that. If the area is developed, an acre could go up to $106,000 per acre. For undeveloped land, you can get an acre for only $2,000.

So, if your pioneer great, great grandfather had acquired vast tracts of land during the pioneering days, you will undoubtedly be ultra-rich today. That's basically how the landed gentry of the country amassed their great wealth today.

How about you? Do you have any chance to accumulate great wealth? Yes, definitely, by following the example of those pioneers.

You may be appalled by that statement and say, those days are gone now and there's no way I can get land at $2 per acre.

But wait. Don't you know that there are modern pioneers who did the things that those ancient pioneers did and amassed great wealth as well?

Are you not familiar with the likes of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and others who led the onrush of modern technology of which many products, systems and services are now being enjoyed by the many millions of people today globally?

Jobs, Gates, Musk, Bezos and their ilk are the modern pioneers that you can emulate - that is, if you are really very eager to make millions upon millions.

But of course, you can't copy the products of Apple, Microsoft, Tesla electric cars, Amazon and all the popular product brands of today, or you will be slapped with copyright lawsuits.

What you can emulate is their pioneering spirit. When Jobs invented his first PC, there were no such types of computers for personal use. All the computers existing then were big and occupy large rooms and were only used by big companies and the government.

You can do it. Ordinary people like Michael Schmelzer and an 85-year old lady, Audrey E. Evans did it. So can you.

Career, Career Advice, Career tips, Career goals, Career Development, Career Growth