Prepare For The Worst: Things To Do As Soon As You Realize You're About To Be Fired

You can always look out for signs that you're about to be fired. That way, you can turn things around. By that, it means being able to prepare yourself in every aspect and lessen the impact when your boss finally says the dreaded words; "You're fired." These tips may not prevent you from losing your job, but they might help. Check out the Business Insider's guide to knowing what to do upon the realization that you might get fired soon:

1. Don't panic.

Though it's a normal reaction to freak out, try your very best not to. "But remember that firing signs can also be false reads. Sometimes rumors spread like wildfire, disrupting departments until you bravely approach your boss," Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job", says. "Don't consult other employees for any insight into your future; go straight to the source to get a read on your performance."

2. Initiate a conversation in a neutral setting with your boss

"Come with an open mind, and with constructive suggestions. Be open to exploring creative options such as lateral transfers. Offer to help out during this time of transition. Maintaining the perspective that you care about the company and want to do what's best for the company will help you score points in the eye of senior leaders," advises Michael Kerr, an international business speaker and author of "The Humor Advantage".

3. Ask your boss for honest feedback

"Submit an action plan and timeline to your boss and get their sign-off. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and don't be defensive. Stay in contact with your manager and set up regular status check-in meetings for the future," Taylor says.

4. Don't trust everything your boss says

Always remember that your bosses may not always give you the most honest of answers.

5. Get stronger - mentally and physically

"Make sure you're working out, eating right, and getting enough sleep. You want to produce solid results and make wise decisions, so give yourself the best odds," Taylor says.

Employment, Career