Common Characteristics Of The Laziest Employees; Do You Have Them?

Have you ever wondered if ever you belong to the list of "lazy employees"? Or simply if you have the traits of one? Unproductivity is a constant factor in the office and recognizing which employees are being so is a step in making major changes. Here is a list of the common characteristics of an unproductive employee, as written by's Adam Heitzman.

1. Complaining

No matter the circumstance, complaining only shows that someone is not willing to put in the work to make a change. Dennis Prager once said, "Complaining not only ruins everybody else's day, it ruins the complainer's day, too. The more we complain, the more unhappy we get."

2. Making excuses

According to Benjamin Franklin, he that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. Since excuses can get out of hand pretty quickly, not a lot of things can get done which, just like complaining, can result to unproductivity.

3. Running everything by the boss

Part of being productive is being able to handle certain situations by yourself and dealing with them with your creativity. If you run to your boss each time you encounter something, it greatly affects productivity, and might showcase your insufficiency as an employee.

4. Only caring about getting credit

If you only care about the money, then it only means that you don't really have any concern left for your job, nor are you passionate with it. Simply doing what you're told and not putting a bit of your soul into something will never give you a great result.

5. There is no motivation or drive

According to Heitzman, there are some cases where lack of motivation and unproductivity come from the employee that was a wrong fit to begin with. Being productive takes work, and having no motivation or drive can contribute to a great deal of unproductivity.

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