5 Job Search Myths That Hold You Back From Your Dream Job

If you want to find a job you love, you have to have high standards but that doesn't mean you can hold the job-hunting process to the same standards. To get through the job hunt successfully, you have to stop believing in these myths and instead focus on more effective ways to get the attention of - and ultimately impress - the hiring manager.

Myth 1: There is one perfect job for you out there, and you better hope you find it

"There are many perfect jobs for you, it just depends on where you are in life," says Matthew Walden, senior vice president at Infinity Consulting in New York. "You have to be constantly looking." Your career will likely be a continuum of learning, changing interests, and changing circumstances, not a goal to be reached, so stay alert to opportunities that might come when you don't expect them.

Myth 2: Your Resume Should Be One Page

When writing up your resume, don't try to fit everything onto one page. Employers really won't mind if your resume is spread across two pages as long as it looks good and includes all the information relevant to the job.

Myth 3: Do what you love, and the money will follow

Don't talk yourself out of your dreams, but be realistic about the prospects of the career you want to follow. A better bet is to find ways to combine what you love with your work, or to identify a career that allows you the means to follow your passion in your free time.

Myth 4: You should choose your job based on the skills you have

Choosing a job because of what you can already do will likely leave you unfulfilled. Instead, find a career path that will position you for training, learning new things, and advancement.

Myth 5: Once you're settled in a career path, you're stuck

"You're never stuck," Walden says. "You need to look at what you're willing to do to get unstuck." "If you're a good candidate, smart, and presentable, you need to take those steps now to get yourself on the path you want."

Career Advice, Career tips
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