Tesla Model 3 Release: Pre-Order Sales Sky Rockets; Car Manufacturer Rakes In $325M

With its highly anticipated launch, car enthusiasts have already made sure that they will get first dibs on Tesla's newest Model 3. As of writing, 325,000 people have reportedly pre-ordered a unit of the new Tesla EV.

This raises the question of whether the luxury car manufacturer can actually keep up with the high demand for Model 3. Reports claimed that Tesla has now received roughly three times of their projected pre-order sales number.

"Tesla says the number of preorders it has received so far corresponds to $14 billion in implied future sales," The Verge reported. "And it boasts that it was able to generate hype for the Model 3 without advertisements or 'paid endorsements.' The company has raked in $325 million on just Model 3 deposits alone. Fortunately for those more fickle fans, the $1,000 deposit is refundable."

While others have been raving about the newest EV, some car enthusiasts have noticed that the car lacks something very important. As BGR pointed out, the new Model 3 doesn't have an instrument panel, instead this will be replaced by a 15-inch center display.

"If you want to see how fast you're going, you can't quickly glance straight ahead like you're accustomed to," the report claimed. "Rather, you have to look a bit to your right and to the upper left hand corner of the display where a dedicated area will inform you as to your current speed."

While it may not be the conventional set-up everyone is accustomed to, Tesla did offer some explanations as to why they designed the Model 3's dashboard that way.

"The reasoning behind Tesla's design choice here has elicited two likely explanations," BGR continued. "One, in a world where autonomous driving is commonplace, the need for a traditional instrument cluster is diminished. And two, removing the instrument cluster altogether is simply a means for Tesla to keep the cost of the car down."

Stay tuned for more Tesla Model 3 release updates here!

Tesla, Tesla Model 3