Are you in your twenties and are having difficulty in your career, right now? Pat Wadors, LinkedIn's SVP of Global Talent Organization, tells everyone her secrets to the best career when she sat down with author Susan Cain, according to Business Insider, earlier this year on March 2016.
She is currently the head of Human Resources in LinkedIn, a popular professional social network that houses more than 400 million active global users. She tells writer Susan Cain at the New York Times New Work Summit about what job seekers should be doing when it comes to 20-something employees.
Wadors has been focusing on a particular group - the millenials. LinkedIn's HR authority describes today's decade as having the largest millenial component, as told by NewsUnited. To make it in this world, she gives two pieces of advice that she gives to her own three kids.
1. Be like Goldilocks
Remember the tale of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears?" In the story, Goldilocks tries each chair, each porridge and each bed until she found one that is right for her. Wadors suggests that young professionals should use the same approach in their early career life. "You're acquiring a skill, you're gaining polish, you're learning how to problem solve, you're learning how to navigate the business world. Every job you get. So don't be shortsighted," she says. Millenials are known to be job-hopping but it is not meant to be a negative description. Use career switching as a means to build on skills and pursue passions.
2. Be Pragmatic
Once, a student from the University of Southern California's Annenberg graduate school for journalism and communication asked her what she should do when her university sponsorship expires and she needs to go home to her home country. She further explained that she was left with choosing a company that would sponsor her stay in the United States with a job that she didn't like or if she would find other job alternatives. This student wanted to pursue her dreams but she may going back to her home land. Wadors advice was to be pragmatic. "If you choose that less desirable sponsorship today, you'll have more choices tomorrow. If you dream for a year and go home and your culture at home doesn't allow you to dream those dreams, then that is not the right course of action." In the end, the grad student followed her advice.
Wadors' advice to those in their twenties and fresh out of school is to recognize that you don't have to fully realize your career ideals from the beginning, and that keeping an open mind to all kinds of opportunities will be the true path to success.