Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Launches 10-Year Expansion Plan

During the recent F8 Developer conference on Tuesday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed his 10-year plan to connect the world. But his plans sounded like it is a political cause intended to corner billions of dollars in revenues.

In his speech, Zuckerberg discussed in detail how his Facebook conglomerate intends to reach the 7 billion people on the planet. Around half of this people don't have internet access. His bite against those who restrict immigration and free trade also came out clearly in his speech.

He obviously referred to Presidential candidate Donald Trump who is pushing for stricter immigration laws towards the Muslims. His comments took a slight veiled swipe at the GOP presidential hopeful.

However, the audience barely noticed since his speech was focused mostly on his plan to unify the people of the planet and connecting them all together.

Zuckerberg's theme was to "give everyone the power to share anything with anyone." This approach positions Facebook as a force that will unify people even in the presence of political divisiveness.

The Facebook CEO revealed his plan to unify people through his ambitious strategy of launching new technology that hurdles borders and overlaps cultures. This is contrary to Trump's call to ban Muslims from entering the country and to build a wall that would separate the U.S. border from the Mexican border.

"As I look around the world, I'm starting to see people and nations turning inward, against the idea of a connected world and a global community," said Zuckerberg.

"I hear fearful voices calling for building walls and distancing people they label as 'others.' I hear them calling for blocking free expression, for slowing immigration, for reducing trade, and in some cases even for cutting access to the internet," the Facebook CEO added.

A crowd of 2,600 developers from all over the world listened to Zuckerberg as he detailed his plans for artificial intelligence, connectivity, and virtual and augmented reality, the three pillars of his future world.

Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Post, FAcebook Page, Facebook account