5 Best Free Team Management Tools For Managers And Supervisors

Team management involves constant and consistent communication with your team members. Having that right mix of team members and team work with the best set of tools is essential. So if you're looking for the best and free team management tools out there, here are five that fits a manager or supervisor.

1. Bitrix24

Bitrix24 is a new generation of team management and teamwork tools known as 'social intranet'. It's like a combination of Facebook with Google Docs, SalesForce, WhatsApp, Skype, Sharepoint, Basecamp and Wunderlist. It's a typical set of needs met for a team. So, if you're looking for a tool that houses file sharing, storing, communication and storage - this could be it for you.

2. Asana

Asana is similar to Bitrix24 but they cater to project management. It's great for teams with 15 members and it's a great interface where you can move things around. Asana is built for bigger teams which is why it's perfect for project management vendors.

3. MindMeister

This is described by Webiot as an online mind mapping and mobile app service that enables "thinking sessions" for team collaboration.

4. FreshDesk

Unfortunately, this isn't entirely free but it let's a team of three get a free plan. It has a built-in knowledge base and forums that is similar to a ZenDesk.

5. GroupMe

This is a group messaging service app. It's more focused on chat and communication. It may not be as diverse as Bitrix24 but supports Windows and Blackberry phones - which are often used by professionals.

These management tools are built for a private social network with your team members and encourages collaboration, file sharing, document management, time tracking and team communications.

Do you know of any management tool that is better? Tell us in the comments section!

Social Network