The Amy Farrah Fowler actress is officially divorcing Michael Stone after 9 years of marriage.
The "irreconcilable differences" that fueled the divorce however still has the two focused on their children. They claimed that their two sons, Miles and Fred, ages 7 and 4.
Mayim Bialik authored a book in 2012 detailing her theories on rearing children. The book called Beyond The Sling: A Real-Life Guide to Raising Confident, Loving Children the Attachment Parenting Way led the actress to accept the Anti-Defamation League's Deborah Award in 2012.
Casted as a behavioral neurologist in Big Bang Theory, the actress comments saying, "Attached parenting is looking at encourage people to parent the way mammals are designed to parent."
Bialik is an accomplished academic, she obtained her Ph.D. in Neuroscience in 2007 at UCLA.
Bialik and Stone have split ownership of their two similar-sized properties, with the Big Bang Theory star owning their current home in Studio City, Calfornia, while the Sherman Oaks 3-bed property has been granted to Stone.
She claimed that parenting style was not the matter in the divorce, and that "relationships are complicated no matter what style of parenting you choose."
Jim Parsons, Sheldon Cooper's actor, has come out last year around this time mentioning his homosexual status. Amy Farrah Fowler, Mayim Bialik's role, has been lusting for Cooper's love since the beginning of their relationship in the series. Recent development in the show seems to promise a happy ending for the two, but it is still not confirmed.