Intel Cutting Jobs, Giant Chip Maker Preparing For Significant Lay Offs

As the American economy is healing from the past years' downward trend, it appears that companies like Intel may be planning to lay off more than 1,000 jobs in the United States.

The giant chip maker is preparing to make the most significant job cuts in its employment history. According to Oregon Live, unnamed sources from within Intel have cited that the lay offs will be larger than the 1,100 American jobs lost in 2015.

The company is downsizing after the financial report of the 2016's first quarter has been released. Company executives are allegedly looking at a complete company reorganization. Intel is reportedly planning to expand into new growth areas as well while it continues to operate in the PC market. The company is also still trying to gain momentum in the mobile industry that is being dominated by Qualcomm and Samsung, with its mobile chip products. As to when this will happen, it is still uncertain. The E-Week has it that the company houses more than 107,000 employees by the end of 2015.

Aside from the job cuts, Intel's senior management are looking at consolidating operations and shut down smaller facilities following the acquisitions the company has made previously. Intel is still trying to cope with the fast changes in the industry. "Intel has come off a couple of interesting events the past few years," says Charles King, a principal analyst with Pund-IT. Though the company is growing through its Data Center groups, it is still experiencing a decline in the global PC market.

In addition, the corporate vice president and general manager of Intel's Communications and Devices Group, Aicha Evans, has reportedly left the company. His reasons for leaving were indicated in a company memo to Intel's senior management that explained the need for the company to be more competitive.

Technology, Unemployment, Industry, Tech industry