What Recruiters Want You To Know To Get Hired

Your job recruiter wants to help you find a job, just as much as you do. And he wants not just a job for you but a job that will perfectly fit your skills, talents and education so that you won't have to seek his help again.

Using the skills and network of a job recruiter is one of the fastest ways to get that job that will make you happy and fulfilled. He spends most of his time finding the right job match for you so you need to give him the proper respect he deserves.

There are some things that job recruiters want you to know so you can strike a fruitful partnership with them.

1. Be specific in the job that you want.

A recruiter will have an easy task of finding the right job for you if you will give him the specific industry, employer and position that you want. If you are interested in working for a company, or a government agency, then say so and indicate what kind of position you want.

2. A Job recruiter is not really your friend.

There are generally two kinds of job recruiters - the internal and the external. Both work for the company that pays them to get the right job candidate. External job recruiters are sometimes paid for by the job seeker.

But in reality they also don't work for you, but for the company since if you are the right candidate, the company will benefit by using your talents and skills. Therefore you need to always be on a professional kind of relationship with a job recruiter and not expect him to find you a job just because he is your friend.

3. Guidelines in pay are not set in stone.

Kristina Minyard, a corporate recruiter connected with Dynetics, says: "We have to have the salary conversation, and it's OK if job seekers have a different number in mind than we do."

"Have a justification for your salary number and be ready to discuss it, instead of acting like the number is a secret or like you may or may not be offended. The employer is not out to get you," she added.

Job search, Job hunting tips, Job