Curiosity Rover captured image is the topic of numerous internet debates. Is it a rat, an alien, or just a rock?
Some UFO-enthusiasts are claiming that this could be a sign of aliens who are either similar to rats.
Another picture shows a possible lizard-like creature among the rocks.
Mars Science Laboratory project scientist John Grotzinger at CalTech stated, "We have characterized a very ancient, but strangely new 'gray Mars' where conditions once were favorable for life. Curiosity is on a mission of discovery and exploration, and as a team we feel there are many more exciting discoveries ahead of us in the months and years to come."
A possible evolutionary trait called Pareidolia, maybe able to account for what we are seeing. Pareidolia is the psychological behavior to see familiar objects and shapes in places where the object cannot normally exist.
Some are also purporting that NASA is doing strange experiments with rats, perhaps to test the possibility of human survival in the Red Planet.