"Game of Thrones" season 6 faces speculations of a doomed future. Criticisms of how brutality dominated the scenes created notions that profits and revenues are set to take a downpour trend for HBO.
It is undeniable that the fire and glow that "Game of Thrones" season 6 has is not ebbing way Although A lot has been written the series and its tenuous relationship with misogyny and feminism, and has also received much criticism for its shocking portrayals of rape and violence against women, according to USA Today.
To prove the notion, a former episode "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken," the sixth episode of season 5, showed the scene of Sansa being married off to Ramsay Bolton, and in full view of a horrified Reek, née Theon Greyjoy, she endured appalling moments, as noted by the same post.
The brute images, the strong scenes and other elemental factors are pointing to many reasons why "Game of Thrones" season 6 is the show that brings a whole new era of how fantasy series should be. To be in the game, one must need to counter the rising hurdles of competition and that is what HBO is aiming for.
A former post from Jobs & Hire already mentioned how HBO and its much-acclaimed series the "Game of Thrones" dominated the prime nights. The unique setup and the way the storylines unfold are rendering higher revenues and profits for the company.
Although others have noted that nothing good comes out from watching the "Game of Thrones," and how HBO will see this series fall, millions of viewers are awaiting its return with much expectancy and delight and that is more than enough to cover for all of the criticisms that the "Game of Thrones" is presently facing.