The violence that happened in India early Tuesday morning, after the 30-year-old American tourist accepted a ride "to the hotel" from three men in a truck and was raped in the woods, was not the first event in 2013. In April, another younger American woman was gang raped and beaten while her French boyfriend was forced to watch in chains in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; her arrests were finally made.
The two victims were held on the public transport van for six hours. Three men used crowbars to beat the boyfriend and girlfriend, who met studying Portuguese in Copacabana beach. The French boyfriend was forced to watch in shackles while the trio committed their evil.
"The victims described everything in great detail, mostly the sexual violence. Just how they described the facts was shocking—the violence and brutality. It surprised even us, who work in security and are used to hearing such things. Their report shocked us," Rodrigo Brant expressed.
The three men arrested were aged 20, 21, and 22. A young Brazilian woman bravely stepped up and confessed that she was also raped by the same men in the van in March.
In an unrelated incident, a 30-year-old woman was trying to go back to her hotel from a temple in India. She was solicited by three men who offered her a ride on their truck at 1am. The three men drove her instead to the woods and raped her. After that, they dropped her off at a highway. She was unable to identify the vehicle and arrests have not yet been made.