Those affected and victimized by the malware program SpyEye finally attained vindication. It has been affirmed that the SpyEye Malware crew is now facing jail time and consumer awareness has heighten and leveled up as well.
According to a report from Modern Readers, "The men behind the malware program SpyEye have just been sentenced to a combined 24 months and six months in jail, for creating and distributing the harmful software that stole hundreds of millions of dollars from several companies."
Aleksandr "Gribodemon" Andreevich Panin from Russia and Hamza "Bx1" Bendelladj from Algeria, both 27, made up the two-man crew behind SpyEye, a banking Trojan designed to steal money from companies in the financial space and the malware crew was sentenced this week in an Atlanta federal court by Judge Amy Totenberg, according to the same post.
In terms of the damages rendered by SpyEye, it instigated attacks from the year 2010 to 2012. The sophistication of the malware has crippled various companies and impeded their overall operations as well. Moreover, Bendelladj transmitted over one million spam emails containing strains of SpyEye and related malware to computers in the United States, yielding hundreds of thousands of infected computers," said the U.S. Justice Department, further explaining the Algerian's involvement in the case.
Lawsuits and legal issues are everywhere, it could range to issues from copyright infringement while other companies sue other companies, such as the case of Hewlette-Packard being sued by Oracle, reports Jobs & Hire.
As SpyEye got the legal discipline owing to their acts, consumers and companies alike can finally ease on the threat that SpeEye has caused since the SpyEye Malware crew has receive the verdict and is facing jail time.