The Four Best Store Credit Cards If You're A Sucker For Special Offers And Convenience

Although it is quite a known fact that owning a credit card can lead to certain situations via impulsive decisions, quick discounts, rewards that come in handy and avoidance of big interest charges are only a few of the reasons why a lot of people still opt for the good old swiping time.

If you're a regular when it comes to store shopping, store credit cards can be necessary. They are worth it, too, if the rewards are rewarding enough. According to the owner of the financial website, Matthew Coan, instant savings on almost everything you buy is a must.

If you're shopping for a store credit card, MarketWatch has narrowed down the standouts when it comes to the best store credit cards when it comes to rewards, special offers and convenience.

1. Amazon Prime

Having an Amazon Prime account means eligibility for the Amazon Prime Store card which has offers like 5% back on all purchases made from Amazon with no annual fee. Andrea Woroch, a consumer saving expert, says that this card is a really good fit for those who does a lot of online shopping through the site. You won't rack up interest if you pay your entire balance in six to 24 months depending on the cost of your purchase because you have an access to their special financing.

2. Gap (and Athleta, Banana Republic and Old Navy)

GapCard gives you five points for every $1 you spend at Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic or Athleta. You will also receive a reward card for every 500 points earned. Gap cardholders get 15% on their very first purchase and a 10% off at Gap and Gap Factory, both in-store and online, every Tuesday. Cardholders who are able to earn 5,000 points in a calendar year are upgraded to the Gap Silver credit card which comes with a lot of perks like rewards bonus, free shipping, special events access and a lot more.

3. Lowe's

To all the suckers for DIY's and home improvement, Lowe's gives its cardholders 5% off of everything. Yes, everything! Lowe's cardholders are also allowed to choose to save money on interest by swapping their 5% reward for six months of zero interest on purchases that are over $299.

4. Target

Especially popular, the Target RedCard credit card allows you to buy basically anything at Target - from groceries to everything. The card doesn't charge an annual fee and the cardholders are given 5% off everything they buy, even if the certain items are already marked down and on sale. It also comes with free shipping and an extra 30 days on the return policy for a lot of items.

Credit Card, Amazon