Sail Away as Uber Adds Another Serivce: Yacht Rides!

Uber has already extended their services from taxis to boats, cars, and even helicopters. Now, they are taking it a notch higher by offering luxury vessels or yachts.

The UberYACHT will launch in Dubai tomorrow, April 30. This gives the residents and tourists of Dubai to gain access to an extravagant yacht party with just a few clicks on their Uber application.

For only $82 or AED300, one is entitled to a yacht party that includes food, drinks, resident DJs and a breath-taking view of the city's shoreline. However, here's a catch: those who wish to avail should book 48 hours before the scheduled date of sail.

"At Uber we are constantly innovating our services. We want to be more than just a leading global technology app, we want to provide experiences at the push of a button," Chris Free, Uber's general manager in the United Arab Emirates, told CNN.

"Following the success of UberCHOPPER in Dubai, we are thrilled to introduce UberYACHT to Dubai's waters with this exclusive party that residents can book just as they would an Uber car or chopper, with the same level of convenience, reliability and accessibility," Free added.

The announcement of the UberYACHT came amidst issues and controversies faced by the company. For instance, the company has just agreed on a settlement between a group of drivers from California and Massachusetts. Uber, which is valued at up to $70 billion.

Included also in the settlement is the agreement that drivers will receive a fair amount of time and warning before they are removed from providing Uber services. The drivers, on the other hand, now can establish an appeals process if they believe their termination is not based on solid grounds.

The company is considered to be the most valuable start-up company valued at $70 billion. On the other hand, it is estimated that they provide a total of three million rides every day, from taxis to boats and helicopters.
