Turkey Baster Rescue Baby Girl: Babysitters Screaming, Calling 911; Clever Man Rescues Choking Nessa Shoup's Life by Turkey Baster? [VIDEO & REPORT]

A clever man used a turkey baster to rescue a baby girl's life.

Nessa Shoup of Ludington Michigan was having trouble breathing, when Bill Hogenson overheard the baby girl's babysitters screaming for help. The baby girl was allegedly "purple and not breathing".

The horrified babysitters did not know what to do and dialed 911 for help. The quick-thinking Bill Hogenson ran into the house after overhearing the 911 call, and saw the baby girl's condition. Initially Bill Hogenson tried to perform CPR on the baby girl, but it was unsuccessful and the baby girl was getting bluer by the second.

Hogenson then ran into the kitchen, trying to find anything that can help her. In the kitchen drawers, he found a turkey baster. The turkey baster was able to accomplish the job and rescued the baby girl's life.

"I went into the drawer and found a turkey baster and used the turkey baster to clear her nasal passage and her airway," Bill Hogenson, the hero, described.

Spinning the child around after patting her back, Bill Hogenson saw the turkey baster did its trick. The baby girl smiled.

"[The baby girl] quit crying and she smiled at me and I knew that we were going to be in the good," Bill Hogenson recounted.

Shawn Gasciogne and Robin Shoup, the relatives of the baby girl Nessa Shoup commented saying, "If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have this beautiful baby here right now, and we are forever grateful." The Nessa's throat was not fully developed thus the baby girl chokes sometimes; they were really glad for Bill Hogenson to show up and rescue her with the turkey baster.

"Ever since then, when I see [Nessa Shoup] she gives me a smile. It kind of gives us a bond for life," concluded Bill Hogenson.

A turkey baster is usually used for covering turkey with either its own juices or some type of preparation such as a sauce or marinade. The cooking technique is called basting, which is where the term turkey baster comes from.


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