The Best Questions To Ask When Building Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand is important. However, with so many resources these days, it may be difficult to pinpoint exactly where to start.

According to Forbes, your personal brand should help you stand out from the crowd. Before you can do that, though, you need to identify who you are and what values you stand for first.

The publication listed down important questions from professional coaches at their Coaches Council. The group is composed of Woody Woodward, Doug Thorpe, Wendi Weiner, Michelle Braden, Barbara Safani, Tanya Ezekiel, Brett Baughman, John Tarnoff, Beth Kuhel, Larry Boyer.

First, you need to know what your core values are. Dr. Woodward noted that there are a lot of tricks about personal branding but are ineffective because "they attempt to impose a brand on you vs. draw one out of you."

After asking what principles you value the most, you should ask yourself about the reasons why these are important. Learn to introspect and check why you do the things you do.

Third, being able to pinpoint your ideal clients would enable you to make an even specialized personal brand. "Acting as more of a specialist rather than a generalist is a helpful way to identify who your target clients should be," "The Writing Guru" Wendi Weiner said.

Moreover, know who you want to attract and repel. Barbara Safani of Career Solvers revealed that your personal brand will be more powerful when it's "more specific and narrow."

Your personal brand is also the mark that you leave as a leader. What do you want to be known for? Objectively examining your strengths and weaknesses will make your brand even stronger.

The Next Web also shared that making your personal brand discoverable, shareable and memorable will definitely put you ahead of your rivals. Make sure to use the name that you want to be known for across all platforms. In addition, create interesting and engaging content for your followers.

Tips, Advice, Career, Job