Feminist Taylor Swift Doppelganger a Hilarious Hit on Twitter

The real Taylor Swift has denied being a feminist, but now she has a feminist doppelganger on Twitter who has mashed up many of the songstress' famous lyrics with quotes derived from feminist theory.

Clara Beyer, a rising senior at Brown University, is the mastermind behind this ever-increasingly popular Twitter account. @feministtswift has gone viral and currently has well over 76,000 followers. Beyer, a self-proclaimed feminist, is a fan of Swift's but says she sometimes wishes Swift would become a little more progressive with her lyrics. The driving force behind Beyer's brainchild occurred on June 11, when she posted this tweet on her personal Twitter: "Idea for a single purpose twitter: feminist Taylor Swift."

Soon after, Beyer's friends and classmates contacted her to make sure she followed through on her idea. Beyer first created the logo for the new account - a picture of Swift's face photoshopped onto Rosie the Riveter's head, a fitting representation, as Rosie has long served as a feminist icon. She then wrote a biography that parodied Swift's very own on her official Twitter page: "Happy. Free. Confused. Oppressed by the patriarchy. At the same time."

After these finishing touches, Beyer and her friend, Kevin Carty, began concocting the hilarious and wittiest of play-ons of Swift's famous lyrics. The very first tweet - "She wears short skirts / I wear T-shirts / Neither of us is asking for it" - a satire of the popular "You Belong With Me," was the impetus for what would become a viral phenomenon.

Despite having a multitude of female singers to choose from for her project, there is a reason why Beyer singled out Swift. "It says to me that I'm not the only one out there who is feeling this discomfort with Taylor Swift lyrics," Beyer said in a phone interview. Although the Twitter account makes for good laughs, Beyer began this humorous endeavor mainly as an initiative for "bringing more people into feminism and gender-critical conversations... And the easiest ways to do that are to engage them with things they're already into in their daily lives," such as Taylor Swift songs.

Some examples of the genius that is @feministtswift:

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