After the hiatus of "Hunter X Hunter 353," an unprecedented storyline for Chrollo and Hisoka have emerged. It appears that the death of Hisoka is imminent if it persists in fighting against Chrollo. Also, the creators have kept mum on the plotline to bring in more mystery, lure more viewers and guarantee epic gains and revenues.
The Bitbag reports, "Hunter X Hunter 353 will mostly contain the actions that were withheld in chapter 352 and the current chapter is simply a revelation of Chrollo's new abilities and who he stole it from, as well as Chrollo's explanation of his power is to give Hisoka a warning, probably hoping to change his mind."
Looking back, in the previous episodes of "Hunter x Hunter 352," Chrollo inquired of Hisoka and urged him to elude death by not fighting him. However, with the rising trend of vulnerabilities, Hisoka is not a guy that easily edges out.
It seems there are various and possible scenarios that could heighten viewers awareness and turn fans into a hype mode. To prove the latter, the "Hunter X Hunter 353" also divulged that Chrollo will be able to display the ability of "appearance swapping" and indicated that in HxH 352, Chrollo will use the Gallery Fake, ordering the referee to attack and break Hisoka, as noted by the same post.
It has already been reported in the past by Jobs & Hire that "Hunter X Hunter" has returned to fill the vacuum of sales and profits. With the epic battle looming on the horizon, the game of dominance has just begun for Hisoka and Chrollo.
All the more, as "Hunter X Hunter 353" comes into view, the epic skirmish between Chrollo And Hisoka as well as the epic gains arises. For the creators to keep mum on the storyline, it is a business stance that will surely set the anime to new heights and incomparable proceeds.