In "Breaking Amish: Brave New World," the spin-off series of the original "Breaking Amish," star Rebecca faced an onslaught of criticism from a waitress when inquiring about a job at a restaurant.
"You coming in here wanting to work - I think a lot of our employees would be disgusted about it because we love the Amish," said the waitress. "We have a lot of Amish people that come in here."
Clearly, being part of the show has come back to haunt Rebecca, who was rejected by the waitress. Abe, who was with Rebecca, asked the waitress if she had grown up Amish. After she responded in the negative, Abe replied "Then don't tell me how the Amish live their life."
The waitress was accusing Rebecca and others on the show of disrespecting the Amish community with some of the things they said on "Breaking Amish."
Whether you agree with the waitress or not, the show will go on, with new additions expected to take over in Los Angeles. The original cast shot in New York City and became a fan favorite on TLC.
The new season will premiere on July 10 and is expected to generate a large viewership. However, that is not to say that the show has not been under attack. The success of "Breaking Amish" has been largely criticized as being a disgrace to the Amish community. This kind of controversy is sure to attract viewers to find out what happens next in the dysfunctional lives of the show's stars.