After directing "Captain America: Civil War," the Russo brothers wants "Wolverine" and his enigmatic charisma in Marvel Cinematic Universe. Also, it appears that "Wolverine" might become a part of the movie franchise if the directors will find a way to do so.
Comic Book reports, "When Sony came to an agreement with Marvel Studios about the rights to Spider-Man, fans the world over couldn't believe it and now 'Captain America: Civil War,' directors the Russo Brothers have another character they'd like to see join the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and he happens to be one of the most popular X-Men ever."
If there was an X-character that could make the jump rather easily, it would be Wolverine, notes the same post. Also, the brothers have affirmed their allegiance to Marvel Studios and will remain with Marvel Studios for the second "Avengers: Infinity War" film slated for release in 2019.
"First favorite character growing up was Spider-Man, second was Wolverine. One of my most-prized possessions is 'Incredible Hulk' #181. It was his first appearance," Joe Russo shared. "It's in my collection. It's sitting in a safe. I won't disclose where it is," he added.
As for Anthony, he said, "I know where it is. And I would say Wolverine as well, for all of the exciting reasons that we all gravitate to." More report from Comic Book Resources shared that Fox is currently the sector that owns the X-Men franchise and that includes Wolverine.
Despite that reality, stranger things have happened than two studios making an agreement, and after all, Sony and Marvel Studios reached a deal to share Spider-Man's rights, enabling the character to appear in "Captain America: Civil War," as noted in the same post.
It stands to reason that if "Wolverine" joins the pack and appear in Marvel Cinematic Universe, the aims of the Russo brothers would be achieved and their plans would become a reality, but that remains unsettled until Fox and Marvel reach an agreement for Wolverine's appearance in Marvel.