Verizon Strike Leads To More Demand, Union Workers Ending Tech Firm’s Legacy And Business Demise

It's a never-ending battle for Verizon and the union workers until all of their separate demands are met. Also, it appears that the outcome of the strike resulted into massive loss, tech firm's legacy facing a downhill curve and the demise of many businesses and enterprises.

According to a post from ABQ Journal, "Verizon Communications' top five executives received a $48 million annual compensation package at the company's yearly shareholder meeting Thursday morning at the Hotel Albuquerque, while some 200 workers protested outside in support of 39,000 employees on strike on the East Coast."

At the meeting, held in Albuquerque for the first time, shareholders also rejected three union-backed proposals to name a board chair independent of Verizon's CEO and impose more control over compensation and severance payments for executives, reports the same post.

It appears that the demand by the union workers is not gaining a solid footing and is being denied by the top executives of Verizon. Although the workers carried their dismay to the streets and protest, it does not imply that the workers are closing their doors. To prove the latter, it is a fight against setting things right and bring the company to a higher and respectable means of doing deals and trade.

I'm here to fight corporate greed," said Mike Watson, a striker from Delaware and a Communications Workers of America (CWA) division representative. "The company is earning billions of dollars every month, but they want us to pay more for our health care and give up our job security. I have a family to take care of."

In a similar post given by Jobs & Hire, it has been reported that the Verizon strike resulted from workers in pursuit for the fiber Optic investigation and also, the rift between Verizon and the union escalates as Verizon demands justice for sabotage and impeding company's operations, a claim that the union workers strongly deny.

With the division that has ravaged Verizon and the strike that led to more demands and unrest continues, it remains unsettled how the two sectors would meet and settle their indifferences so that businesses and other enterprises are not bearing the burdens of the outcomes of the division and the tensions.

Verizon, Verizon news, Verizon Updates, Verizon strike news