Justin Bieber is back in the headlines. And yes, the reason is scandalous yet again. Apparently, the pop star just got new ink to add to his already formidable library of tattoos. However, this time around, he decided to get on his face.
Bieber's latest tattoo, which he got at West 4th Tattoo Parlor in New York, is a tiny cross located just next to his left eye. The artist, Jon Boy, showed off a selfie with the iconic star at his Instagram, Metro UK reported.
F A I T H #hillsongnyc #justinbieber #jonboytattoo
A photo posted by c/s Jon Boy p/v (@jonboytattoo) on May 7, 2016 at 2:23pm PDT
The “Sorry” artist also came out with his own selfie. In here he is seen covering part of his face with only the left side—with tattoo—showing. He is also seen with his short hair after having his dreadlocks shaved off.
Compose Resting up for the show in Philly it's gonna be a good one mark my words
A photo posted by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on May 7, 2016 at 2:15pm PDT
US Magazine noted that the 22-year old got matching tattoos with close pal Joe Termini. After that, he made an impromptu performance at Manhattan Up & Down. The new tattoo is a controversial piece as Bieber had previously said that he would only get a face tattoo provided that it was just small and he would have to be middle-aged by then.
It seems he only got one part of his conditions down! He told GQ, “Maybe when I'm really old, not super old, but maybe, like, 40s or 50s or something.” He added, “One above my eyebrow or something small.” “I think if they're done right, they could be cool, but nothing super crazy all over the face.” Naturally, Belibers had mixed and even violent reactions to the new tattoo.
DONT GET A FACE TATTOO I'M GONNA PUNCH YOU IF YOU DO @justinbieber — ya girl anne (@punkrockjdb) May 7, 2016
IM GOING TO KILL YOU IF YOU TATTOO YOUR FACE @JustinBieber — ㅤclau (@arianarevival) May 7, 2016
if you get a face tattoo @justinbieber pic.twitter.com/7hmE5UXYGN — ♡kaY (@HolyPurposeEra) May 7, 2016
@justinbieber boy I swear to god if you get a tattoo on your face we are going to have to have a conversation — maiya (@dangerousrauhls) May 7, 2016
In any case, Bieber remains one of the wealthiest artists in the world today. He is estimated to have a net worth of more than $195 million in 2016. His income mostly comes from live shows and tours with a total of 85%. The rest comes from record sales and others, Earn The Necklace reported.