The Best Tips To Achieve Work-Life Balance

In today's fast-changing world, sometimes we struggle to keep up. This is especially true for those who take on multiple roles in their families and respective careers. So how do we balance everything out?

Responsibilities weigh us down. There's no denying that it's so tempting to give up on everything that seems impossible.

However, it's not always so easy and, oftentimes, burnout is not an option. Motto has shared some ideas on how to maintain one's sanity despite the constant pressures we face.

1. Be selective and know what to prioritize. When it's time for work, then work. If, however, it's time to spend time with your loved ones, then focus on them. Try turning off the push notifications on your computer or smartphone to lessen the chances of you checking your emails and such.

2. Learn to let others do it. Oftentimes, managers have the tendency to do it all. Pinpoint which tasks can be delegated and consider which member of your team can execute them well. This could be an opportunity for your subordinates to grow through increased responsibility in their role.

3. Schedule everything. Let others know your response time frame. This could either be a time window or a specific time. You should also ensure that you take time for some R&R.

4. Write a journal. This will not only help you keep track of the accomplishments that you have achieved daily, it will also help your mind wind down after a hectic workday.

5. Establish a routine. Exercising regularly, setting your work hours and having a consistent wake up time will help you cope with the pressures that may come your way.

According to Huffington Post, both managers and individual contributors are accountable to each other for achieving the work-life balance. As leaders, you should talk about how you can help your team members move forward with their careers as well as take care of their relationships.

Tips, Advice, Work, Career