NetFlix And Facebook Are The Best Places To Work For New Dads

Are you a new dad and want to spend as much time with your new baby as much as possible? How will that work, you wonder. Maybe there are work places that you can join that will give you that benefit.

Facebook is one example. When Mark Zuckerberg became a father, he decided to make sure everyone experienced the beauty of fatherhood like he did. He formally announced that Facebook's work policy allows new parents to take up to 4 months of parental leave. He stated this on his own timeline. This kind of incentive is very beneficial for new parents and creates a powerful core advantage.

Facebook is just one of the best places to work for when it comes to new dads, according to Entrepreneur.

Not to be outdone, Netflix also followed suit. Netflix announced that the streaming service company is allowing new parents unlimited paid leave within the first 12 months of a child's birth (or adoption.)

Maybe you're not well versed with Netflix job roles. But Microsoft and Spotify are also putting up the same policies in their work place. Parental perks are becoming the top priority when it comes to new parents. Spotify enables their employees six months of paid leave at any non-consecutive time, until the kid turns three years old. Because of their competitive parental perks, Netflix and Spotify earn the top two spots, respectively.

While it is a good idea for companies to adapt this kind of policy, not all can afford it. A millennial job board, Fatherly, reported that over 99% in the United States have less than 500 workers. The parental perk only works on huge companies. Smaller companies with a minimal workforce can be a challenge when it comes to accommodating new dads.

But no one can contradict the fact, as told by Entrepreneur, that more time off isn't just better for dads -- it takes the pressure off moms and entire families and allows everyone to focus on what matters in those formative months.

Facebook, Maternity Leave, Google, Microsoft, Paid Leave