Netflix ‘Orange Is The New Black’ Season 4 Trailer Teaches You Survival Techniques Applicable For Work

"Orange is the New Black" season 4 is hitting Netflix this June 17 and its newly released trailer looks like its going to be a tough season ahead for the cast.

The Netflix prison drama brought out comedy, drama and survival scenes for the "Orange is the New Black" fans.

Season 3 ended with Caputo decimating the prison guards' attempt to start a union and prisoners escaped after an open fence was seen. All the ladies were seen rushing to escape to a nearby lake. Most just wanted to take a dip and taste the short-lived freedom, as told by EW. The "Orange is the New Black" season 4 trailer revealed some startling things that some might say can be used as a survival technique at work.

1. When Daya's motehr Aleida says "it's sardine time, bitches," it meant that Litchfield will be opening its arms to 100 more new inmates. That means being squeezed in tight. It's the same way an organization brings in new people. This time, Judy King, a Martha Stewart type cooking star, is joining the mix. That means for every new group coming in there will always be a star and that could mean she might take over a certain position. The only way you can prevent this if you continue to stay ahead of the herd.

2. Crazy Eyes is still working the prison even though she's got a bandage on her head. Some employees continue to work even though they have not slept at all or are sleep deprived. Some even go to work sick. This diminishes their work performance and productivity. Or simply because her psychiatric break is showing.

3. When it gets tough, the SWAT team gets involved. At one point in the trailer, the SWAT team charges into the prison and Lolly said "They could just wipe us out. Boom, boom, boom!" It's the same take when a hostile take over happens. Workers have no choice when a company is bought out. They can only hope that the new boss will still employ them and keep their current operations going. The only way to survive this, is most likely show them you're a valuable employee.

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