The 3 Things Millennials Need From Their Bosses

Millennials have been stereotyped to be whiny brats that only complain about everything. With the workforce getting younger and younger through the years, knowing how to deal with this new breed of employees will definitely help you with your business.

According to Business Insider, as these young workers gain top positions in the industry, it is important to learn more about their needs and help them achieve their fullest potential. Although millennials are very different from previous generations of workers, they also have some similarities.

Last April, the publication spoke with representatives from IBM's Millennial Corps: Samantha Klein, Sara Sindelar and Masharn Austin. The group discussed about the truths and myths surrounding young employees and how bosses can motivate them to do their best.

The Millennial Corps is a team of more than 4,000 IBM staffers of all ages from different parts of the world. The group was created to research on how to improve millennials' experience in the company. Listed below are the top three things that millennials need from their bosses.

First, millennials want constant feedback. IBM has recently remodeled its annual performance review system last February. The system, called "Checkpoint," now lets managers give feedback at least once per quarter.

"We [millennials] don't want an annual review," Samantha Klein said. "We don't want to wait until the end of the year to hear about what we've done right or wrong what we can improve upon."

Second, talk about the bigger picture. After giving them regular reviews on their work and progress, millennials also want to know that their career is moving forward.

"When I think about managing millennials, I think about the notion of career velocity," Masharn Austin, a workforce strategy and talent leader, noted. "[It is] being able to provide leadership and guidance around their career and their job and where they are in relation to where they want to be."

Third, encourage young employees to share their ideas to the team. Create a trusting environment that is open to suggestions. It is also important to tell them straight.

Mic chief executive Chris Altchek, via the New York Times, also said that he would rather have "a lot of people speaking their minds than a very controlled environment." Mic is a website created by millennials for millennials.

Jobs, Career, Tips, Advice, Leadership, Management