Tammy Duckworth angrily and utterly destroyed an IRS contractor Wednesday over his qualifications of a disabled veteran status. He was accused of misrepresenting his injury to gain preferential treatment in IRS contracts.
The president and CEO of Strong Castle, Inc. Braulio Castillo has been caught in the recent IRS investigations over five hundred million dollar IRS contracts that his company has landed. Castillo has been accused of claiming injury so that his company would be among the top choices in his company's bids for IRS contracts.
The Northern Virginian Castillo claims that he could not recall how the injury to his ankle happened. He also lied about the ankle being broken when, in the x-rays found by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, the ankle shots do not reflect any fractures.
However, the football injury Castillo claims to be plaguing him is awarding him disability status and a monthly check from the VA.
In a letter penned by Castillo, he called his injury, "crosses that I bear in my service to our great country."
Castillo was given a disability rating of 30 percent by VA, but Duckworth devastated his claims by her own example:
"You know, my right arm was essentially blown off and reattached. I spent a year in limb salvage with over a dozen surgeries over that time period, and in fact, we thought that we would lose my arm, and I'm still in danger of possibly losing my arm. I can't feel it, I can't feel my three fingers. My disability rating is 20 percent."