Most of Your Employees Might Hate Their Job

Gallup's new 2013 State of the American Workplace report states that 70% of the U.S. employed have become either "not engaged" or "actively disengaged" towards their work.

The 30% of the workers who are "engaged" in their job are "involved in, enthusiastic about, and committed to their work and contribute to their organization in a positive manner." These are the effective and passionate employees who can generate great profit for the business.

Are there ways to make the employees enjoy their work more? We have five tips for you to make a more joyful work place.

1. Make Clear Expectations For Them

When employees have "role clarity," they are able to know what's expected of them, and more likely able to understand that they are doing a good job. If they know they're doing a good job, then they will feel accomplished in their work and they will find their work more enjoyable and less easily discouraged by the hurdles that come their way.

2. Make Sure They Have What They Need To Be Effective

Employees often feel discouraged when the work seems more difficult than it really is. Without the proper tools, an employee might have a more difficult time to accomplish the work, and feel that the work is not worth the money they are making. Construction workers need gloves and office workers would need software.

If a worker feels like they do not have the authority to accomplish what they need to do, it will stop them from the joy of fulfillment and make them reconsider their outlook on their job.

3. Ask Them What Makes Them Effective And Fulfilled

If an employee feels like they cannot do anything, they are more likely to not to anything. If you are able to make them more effective and fulfilled, they will be more likely to try harder to go that extra step that they would not have courage to take before.

4. Let Them Feel Like A Part of the Company

Employees are not machines. They are flesh and blood just like you! If you can connect with your employees on a personal level, they are more likely to feel that you care about them and can provide for them what they need. If they are having a bad day, you will seem more open and can provide answers that will make them a more effective employee.

5. Show Them The Bigger Picture

If they are part of something bigger, they will see their important contribution to the company. Basic psychology says that bigger goals are more noble and would be more motivational. As they think about something bigger than their own jobs, you might find that they will help the company grow in unexpected ways.

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