Manish Koirala has placed her Malayalam film Edavapathy on hold for months until recently when she calmed dire fans through her success in battling cancer. She will be back on her way to India to finish the film.
'Back in the US, where she was fighting a bitter battle against cancer, Manisha Koirala sought solace in the healing power of yoga. And now, after returning to her home in Mumbai, yoga is what she plans to continue,' claims Times of India.
Though the popular actress on May 4 posted on her social networking account saying that her body is a 'lot weaker' she is planning to help her film Edavapathy, directed by Lenin Rajendran, to proceed to completion.
"Loved yoga... realised I need to be patient... my body is not the same now... lot weaker... happy I started it at least... slow n steady," she details her health recovery process.
The film Edavapathy translates to "No Mans Land" and speaks about the political issues surrounding Tibetans in exile.
A touching love story between the two actors Manisha Koirala and Siddarth Lama's counterparts. The masterpiece will hopefully debut in November if the filming does not become delayed again.