Jobseekers Career Tips & Guides: Find Your Way Around The Loopholes Of The Hiring Software

Jobseekers often times struggle with the hiring software and all of its complexity. However, the taxing days are over as jobseekers can now find their way around the loopholes of the hiring software.

Job-hunting may be the one of the few instances where technology doesn't improve our lives and that's because most companies use Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software to parse the resumes they receive, reports The Wall Street Journal.

This helps recruiters by simplifying the task of assessing resumes. But research indicates that the ATS rejects a startling 75% of resumes because of formatting, insufficient use of relevant keywords and other criteria that have nothing to do with candidate qualifications, according to the same post.

However, it appears there is a way out for jobseeker to evade the hiring software. One way to do that is to avoid creating or submitting fancy resume that does not seem to look real.

The jobseekers should also aim on using PDF in submitting their resumes because it offers more edge to their application. Also, jobseekers should incorporate the keywords found in several job postings organically so that their application can stand out from the rest.

Jobs & Hire formerly reported that of ways and means for jobseekers to climb up the ladder of corporate success. According to the report, one of the resume fixes that you can implement is to redo your resume and sell yourself and if your most-prized document doesn't list specifics about these top items, it's not doing what it's supposed to be doing.

The competition is high which is being humble in revealing your strong points is not ideal in this point in time which is why change your resume in such a way that it can captivate your recruiter and bring the attention on your side of the fence, as cited by the same post.

Job seekers, Employment, Career