AMC's "Fear the Walking Dead" Star Frank Dillane Arrested On CBS

Frank Dillane, known for his character Nick Clark in "Fear the Walking Dead" attempted to breeze through security at CBS Studios in Los Angeles on a Sunday evening last May 22, which is coincidentally also his show's mid-season finale airing.

The guards claimed the 25-year old actor was described as behaving erratically at the time when they tried to stop him. Things heated up and the actor struck one of the guards. The guards were forced to subdue the actor and detain him until Los Angeles Police Department officers arrived and took him into custody for battery.

It is yet unclear why the actor had tried to get into CBS' facility as he is a cast member in a popular series of cable TV network AMC and is therefore employed with the latter outfit.

Frank Stephenson N. E. Dillane is an English actor. He has acted on stage. He is known for the TV hit show "Fear the Walking Death". He has appeared as the young Voldemort, "Tom Riddle", in "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"; an installment of the box office hit "Harry Potter" and had been casted as well in the more recent film by Ron Howard, "In The Heart Of The Sea". He is also the son of actor Stephen Dillane, who plays the character of Stannis Baratheon "Game of Thrones".

Fans of the series "Fear the Walking Dead", who compare the actor to a young Johnny Depp, could but hope that this incident is not a real life reflection of his character in the series where he portrays a recovering drug addict.

TV, Tv shows, CBS, Los angeles, Harry potter, Game of thrones