Nintendo NX Console To Have 2 Versions?

There are speculations that the highly-anticipated Nintendo NX console may have 2 versions. Others say that the device will be a hybrid.

According to University Herald, it is rumored that the Nintendo NX console may have two versions for release. Nintendo has not made any official announcements on the device but fans are excited since it is believed to be unlike anything ever seen before.

Design&Trend reported that the Nintendo NX console will most likely compete with Sony's PlayStation 4.5 as well as Microsoft's Xbox Two. The publication also noted that the device could be a hybrid.

Apparently, a hybrid Nintendo NX console would put the company ahead of its competition. With the video game industry being split by the handheld and home console market, Nintendo seems to be the best company to integrate it.

"It's something very new," Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima said about the NX, via Nintendo Insider. "The hardware, the software lineup, all of it is something I'd like to play for the first time myself."

When asked about why the Nintendo NX release date was postponed, Kimishima clarified that, aside from ensuring that the hardware is ready, they also want to certify that the software lineup for the console is satisfactory as well.

He also revealed that the Nintendo NX console is different from its predecessors. "The NX is neither the successor to the Wii U nor to the 3DS. It's a new way of playing games, which I think will have a larger impact that the Wii U, but I don't feel it's a pure replacement for the Wii U," he said.

Meanwhile, the Nintendo NX console may have the best of both worlds. Value Walk stated that it could be a next-generation home system with an independent handheld device.

A hybrid Nintendo NX console is believed to be beneficial for the company since it will enable video game titles to be developed more efficiently. Consumers would also benefit from this development since there would be a wide array of games to choose from.

Nintendo, Nintendo NX, Tech, Games