Disney has recently released their new film "The Lone Ranger" on Wednesday. The movie trailer and the cast of Johnny Depp is urging many to spend their 2 hours in the theaters this summer.
Unfortunately, reviews have not been very pleased with the movie itself.
Most of the reviews across the nation have been bashing the film. Johnny Depp seems to be the only thing in it that is worth watching. They say that it is "overlong, overstuffed, and totally inconsistent."
Michael Phelps of the Chicago Tribune wittily reviews the film, "While nominally a western, 'The Lone Ranger' is completely lost at sea."
Ty Burr of Boston Globe claims that "Gore Verbinski's (Lone Ranger director) bloated, overlong, $250 million western comedy is like watching an elephant tap dance in your living room: Everything gets trampled and the dancing's not very good."
A review from Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times says that "The real problem with the new 'Lone Ranger' is that , for those who are familiar with the multibillion-dollar 'Pirates of the Caribbean' franchise, there is little fresh or exciting about what we have here."
The movie stars Johnny Depp as Tonto, while Pirates of the Carribean co-star Gore Verbinski puts together the movie as the director. If this movie would have acclaimed success, the PG-13 adventure could have developed into a new franchise, including merchandise and features for the company's theme parks.
Pre-release surveys claimed that men over the age of 25 are the highest demographic interested in the film. The TV series for the Lone Ranger continued for over 200 episodes on ABC.