'Pokémon GO' Release Date Coming Soon? Beta Test Reveals Evolution And Training Updates

The "Pokémon GO" release date may be coming really soon. Develop Niantic Labs has recently confirmed that the highly-anticipated augmented reality game will be available soon.

Neurogadget reported that the developer has revealed in a blog post that the "Pokémon GO" release date is "getting closer." Niantic Labs is working with The Pokémon Company for the augmented reality game.

"It's getting closer," Niantic wrote on their blog. "It's been sort of like making a big meal for your friends or family. We have been sweating the details in the kitchen and now we are anxious and excited to share our creation with you."

It was also revealed that the developers have added "a ton of new features to expand gameplay even further." Trainers will now be able to help Pokémon evolve and collect Pokémon Eggs.

The "Pokémon GO" release date will bring a game that will give trainers a good workout since they need to walk a certain distance to hatch the Egg. Pokémon Gyms will also be situated in real-world locations.

"Our team is learning and iterating, and we can't wait to share 'Pokémon GO' with everyone," Niantic added. "Stay tuned for more details."

Meanwhile, according to Comicbook.com, new updates on the evolution and training in "Pokémon GO" have been revealed. The game's "evolutionary shards" have been replaced with "candies" which are used to evolve specific Pokémon.

Candies are specifically assigned to an evolutionary line. For example, a Charmander candy can only be used to evolve Charmander to Charmeleon and Charmeleon to Charizard.

"Pokémon GO" beta testers claimed that the new system will make it much easier to evolve a Pokémon than when using the previous "evolutionary shards."

Players can also train their Pokémon with a new item called "Stardust." This increases their strength and HP. "Stardust" can be collected with every Pokémon caught or hatched.

More details about the game are expected to be revealed at E3 2016. The exact "Pokémon GO" release date may be announced then.

Pokemon, Pokemon GO, Release Date, Nintendo