The Apple iPhone update on the iOS 7 might be revolutionary, but it's no match on what some rumor p0sixninja is planning for the new smartphone platform.
The Samsung Galaxy S4 competition was planning to include the new iOS 7 after its announcement in WWDC 2013 this year. The new iOS will feature a make out session with Siri an all-new flat design, an easy-to-access command center, a task-switcher with preview screens, support for AirDrop, iCloud Keychain, and other smaller improvements within each app.
The newest rumor from iDigitalTimes states that p0sixninja might be planning for a A5 bottom exploit, which would allow unlimited jailbreaking for any firmware update, as has already happened with the A4 chip. Once the A5 bottom exploit happens, there's no way to block Cydia from the Apple firmware, as it will become a hardware-based exploit.
Because of the "bigger than jailbreak" plans, it's possible that the jailbreak for iOS 7 might come earlier than the jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3. Apple iPhone update might happen during or before the A5 bottom exploit, allowing the iOS 7 jailbreak to happen before even it is released.
It is commonly believed that Apple will pair its next new device with iOS 7, but they have still yet to reveal if they'll be releasing the iPhone 5S or jump straight to the iPhone 6.
It seems that Petrich, who is known for his Activator app (which can only run on jailbroken devices), shared a photo that seems like his iPhone has been jailbroken. However, a full released version of his jailbreak has yet to be found.