FedEx Founder Fred Smith Reveals His Top 10 Rules For Success

FedEx founder, chairman, president and CEO Frederick W. Smith has become one of the legendary names in the U.S. business industry. He was named as one of Fortune Magazine's "World's 50 Greatest Leaders." His net worth is estimated to be $3.6 billion.

Entrepreneur shared the FedEx founder's top 10 rules for success.

1. Believe in yourself. Fred Smith was crippled by a bone disease when he was a boy but that did not stop him from pursuing his dreams. He regained his health at 10 years old.

2. Be humble. Let your achievements do the boasting for you.

3. Know what you want to do and stick to that vision. While he was in Yale, Smith wrote a paper on an overnight delivery service in a computer-information age.

4. Take risks. Big stakes make for big payoffs.

5. Learn how to be a team player. The CEO's service in the U.S. Marine Corps appears to have helped him in dealing with different types of people.

6. Keep on improving. Don't stay stuck on one level. Learn and develop different skills.

7. Think big. In today's modern world, there are a lot of opportunities for a business' growth when leaders think globally at the start.

8. Brace yourself. Running a business is not always a walk in the park. Be prepared for all types of emergencies.

9. Develop your craft. Master every aspect of operations.

10. Just keep on cultivating your talents and skills.

Biz Journals reported that FedEx founder Fred Smith has recently backed LiveSafe by giving $5.25 million as financial support. He will also join the startup's board of directors.

LiveSafe is a safety communications app that will allow users to report incidents and security concerns to public officials. It can be used by businesses, college campuses, hospitals and arenas.

According to Smith, he supports LiveSafe since its technology is "without question a significant innovation in the way we look at crowdsourced intelligence gathering."

Success, Tips, Advice, Leadership, Management