"Dragon Ball Super" episode 47 focused on Future Trunks. Black Goku has also made an appearance in the series' latest installment.
In Attack of the Fanboy's "Dragon Ball Super" episode 47 review, it was reported that this marked the start of the Future Trunks saga. It is described as "the best and most serious saga of the series to date."
The publication clarified that the Future Trunks in "Dragon Ball Super" episode 47 is the same character in the Cell saga. He is not the one who grows up from the Super timeline.
"Dragon Ball Super" episode 47 opened with Trunks running away from a dark, shadowy figure. He runs inside of a building where Bulma is refueling the Time Machine. It was revealed that the Time Machine only has enough fuel for a one way trip to the past.
Bulma tells him to meet up with Mai. Afterwards, the black figure goes in the building and a huge explosion happens. Future Bulma is dead.
The episode quickly shifts back to the present timeline. Vegeta was shown training with Whis. Goku suddenly appeared and said that he wants to join.
Goku, Vegeta, Whis and Beerus also talked about Omni King Zeno. It was revealed that there were initially 18 universes in "Dragon Ball" but there was a time when Zeno got angry and destroyed six of them.
"Dragon Ball Super" episode 47 then cuts back to the future. Trunks and Mai get attacked by the black figure. Mai started shooting at it with her shotgun but dies.
According to Christian Times, Black Goku is the new powerful villain in "Dragon Ball Super." He is believed to be the alter-ego of Goku and is expected to threaten both "space and time."
There are speculations that Goku and Vegeta's fusion will be needed once more to defeat this sinister villain. Future Trunks is also expected to pay a visit to his friends to warn them.