'Warcraft' Movie Sequel About Lich King Confirmed By Duncan Jones?

There may be a possibility of a "Warcraft" movie sequel now that the film is doing well in the international box office. Director Duncan Jones has revealed what story he wants to take on next.

In an interview with Gizmodo, "Warcraft" movie director Duncan Jones talked about why some parts of the film deviate from the game's story set by Blizzard. Jones revealed that he wanted to simplify and streamline the plot for the medium.

"We're trying to make a film, which is a very different medium than a game, especially when you have twenty years to tell your story," he said. "Third, once in a while there's also the fact that it [something] would be cooler. But there's not too many of those."

One of the changes is the fact that Dalarian, the home of magic in Azeroth, is floating. Jones decided to have it floating in the "Warcraft" movie because it looks cooler.

When asked why the film did not end with the fall of Stormwind, Jones admitted that the team felt as if they already had so much going on. He did reveal, though, that Stormwind's fall may be featured in the "Warcraft" movie sequel.

"The idea of showing a conflict from both sides; that's what really appealed to me," he told The Verge. "Trying to allow the audience to empathize with characters who, from their point of view, are doing the right thing. I just find that interesting."

Another story that could be featured in the "Warcraft" movie sequel is about the Lich King. This would include the events of "Warcraft 3," with the rise and fall of Arthas as he turns to the iconic villain.

"I would love to see Lich King," Jones said. "You know, I would love to see these other things. I would love to see someone else tell those stories so that I could watch them as a fan."

Movie, Duncan jones, Film, Entertainment, World of warcraft, Tech, Games